YouTube Vlogger
Motherhood/ Lifestyle/ Screen Free Activities & Montessori At Home
Mariya is a mother of three children, an early childhood development enthusiast, and a screen-free childhood advocate. Her parenting approach is routed in the Montessori philosophy of developing the whole-child through a series of play-based activities that focus on age-appropriate development. Mariya has a lifestyle YouTube channel that focuses on bringing her beliefs to like-minded parents and suggesting successful approaches to raising children.
Toddler Learning Centre with Mariya Stephenson
TLC is an online curriculum for children 15 to 18 months. This curriculum encourages independent play, promotes age-appropriate development, and enriches your interactions with your child. It is primarily based on the Montessori method and principles and incorporates various play-based activities for speech, physical, sensorial, and fine motor skills development. Activities are presented with the short video demonstration of the setup and flow of the process and verbal cues to use with your child.